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About the Journal


What does it mean to be a radical traditionalist?

It means to reject the modern, materialist reign of "quantity over quality," the absence of any meaningful spiritual values, environmental devastation, the mechanization and over-specialization of urban life, and the imperialism of corporate mono-culture, with it's vulgar "values" of progress and efficiency.  It means to yearn for the small, homogeneous tribal societies that flourished before Christianity -- societies in which every aspect of life was integrated into a holistic system.


What we represent: 

Resacralization of the world versus materialism; folk/traditional culture versus mass culture; natural social order versus an artificial hierarchy based on wealth; the tribal community versus the nation-state; stewardship of the earth versus the “maximization of resources”; a harmonious relationship between men and women versus the “war between the sexes”; handicrafts and artisanship versus industrial mass-production. 


In the Premier Volume:

•Stephen Edred Flowers on “Integral Culture”
•Collin Cleary on “Knowing the Gods”
•French philosopher Alain de Benoist’s interview with “new comparative mythologist” Georges Dumézil
•Steve Pollington on the Germanic war god Woden
•Alby Stone on Indo-European trifunctional themes in Celtic Myth
•Michael Moynihan on divine traces in the Nibelungenlied
•Nigel Pennick on the Germanic goddess Zisa and on the “Spiritual Arts and Crafts”
•Annabel Lee on “The Dark Side of the Mountain”
•Joscelyn Godwin on the Italian esotericist Julius Evola
•Markus Wolff on the early 20th century voelkisch German poet and novelist Hermann Löns
•Joshua Buckley’s interview with Ian Read of the English heathen music group Fire + Ice
•Collin Cleary on the anti-modern television series “The Prisoner”
•Over eighty pages of book and music reviews 


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Last Updated: 12 Nov 2002
